Dear Colleagues, We are very pleased to invite you to our International Week which will take place in October 2023!
2023 has been announced the European Year of Skills by the European Commission. The proposed thematic scope of International Week tackles the issues of involving the university not only in the formal education process but also in an informal one, realised by a lifelong learning programme. Lectures and workshops will cover a wide scope of topics: from online teaching, development of digital skills according to the 2030 Digital Compass strategy, activities of the university connected to raising the qualifications through training, short teaching cycles, to activities intended to address the study offer towards a dynamically changing labour market.
The programme has been designed for administrative and academic staff in charge of international affairs. Our main goal is to discuss and exchange good practices among our guests, and maintain and intensify existing relationships with the University of Bielsko-Biala partners, however applications from other universities can also be submitted.
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