Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science
Dean’s Office: Building L, 1st floor
E-mail address: dzwbm@ubb.edu.pl
Main fields of study:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Management and Production Engineering
- Computer Science
- Automatics and Robotics
Departments and main research areas:
Department of Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals:
- Methods of artificial intelligence. Network modelling and simulation. Software Engineering.
- Strength analysis of crimped joints and multilayer/laminar plates.
- Testing of materials, anticorrosion coatings, alloys heat treatment.
- Use of reverse engineering in the modelling of industrial design.
Department of Computer Science and Automatics:
- Information Technology Security
- Internet of Things
- Networks: optical and radio networks, wireless sensor networks and their security
- IT systems
- Parallel computing
- Computer vision
- Electro-magnetic compatibility
- Electronics
Department of Combustion Engines and Vehicles:
- Dynamic testing (analysis), methodology of gear design.
- Study of longitudinal and traverse movement of vehicles. Multibody dynamics analysis.
- Modelling actual engine processes. Supplying engines with alternative fuel. Control and optimization of engine processes.
Department of Production Engineering:
Department of Manufacturing Technology and Automation
Department of Mathematics:
Laboratory of metrology
Division of Mechanics
Faculty of Materials, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dean’s office: Building L, 1st floor
E-mail address: wimbis@ubb.edu.pl
Main fields of study:
- Environmental Protection and Management
- Environmental Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Material Engineering
Departments and main research areas:
Department of Material Science and Engineering:
- Analysis of processes accompanying phase transitions in polymers such as crystallization and melting and comprehensive characterization of the supramolecular structure of polymers, using the technique of wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXS) and small-range X-ray scattering (SAXS).
- Standard infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, DSC, TGA and DMTA thermal analyses of polymer materials.
- Synthesis of conductive polyaniline fibres.
- Modification of the cellulose structure and studies of plasticization of cellulose derivatives.
- Formation of the cellulose structure and studies of fibrous scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration.
- Modification of thermoplastic polymers, using nanoadditives.
- Studies on the use of polypropylene fibres for reinforcing concrete.
Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering:
- Assessment of precipitation acidification and modelling of interactions between small molecules and macromolecules, using molecular dynamics and molecular mechanisms at atomic and mesoscale levels.
- Evaluation of the condition of man-made biotopes using vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens, and environmental valorization of areas based on geobotanical methods.
- Studies of the impact of topography, meteorological, hydrological and soil conditions on the spread of environmental pollution, particularly in mountainous areas.
- Involvement of filamentous bacteria in the phosphorus recovery cycle.
- Evaluation of methods, systems and efficiency of municipal sewage and industrial water treatment.
- Studies on air pollution, including evaluation of the methods and devices for air protection in the coke industry, metallurgy, casting engineering.
Department of Civil Engineering:
- Developments of methods for non-destructive testing (NDT) civil engineering structures, FBG, Residual Magnetic Field (RMF) Method.
- Numerical analysis of nonlinear civil engineering construction, reinforced concrete and wooden structures and their joints.
- A comprehensive solution to the problems of design and assessment of steel scaffolding.
- Analysis of chosen factors influencing results of soils laboratory tests.
- Harmonization of geotechnical design in Europe.
- Soils improvement by synthetic fibres.
- Analysis of the influence of additives and addmixtures on physical and mechanical parameters of ordinary and high-quality plasters, designing skeleton buildings with a composite steel-and-concrete construction, calculating methods in multi-layered constructions.
- The teaching and research activities include close collaboration with related teams at Universities and Reasearch Institutes in Poland and abroad, including, Czechia, Germany, Slovakia and USA.
- Analysis, expertises and expert’s reports in range of traffic engineering and road safety.
- Testing of geosynthetics based on the standard methods.
- Risk management in construction industry.
Faculty of Management and Transport
Dean’s office: Building L, 2nd floor
E-mail address: dwzit@ubb.edu.pl
Main fields of study:
- Management
- Transport
- Sociology
- International Business – in English
Departments and main research areas:
Department of Economical and Social Sciences
- Women on labour market in cities and country areas.
- Space of women’s lives.
- Opportunities and hurdles of including the disabled in labour market.
- The individual and new media in information society.
- Metropolisation processes in polycentric regions.
- Local government and innovative thinking.
- Creating metropolitan class in urban areas.
- Social and economic conditions of young people migrations from cities and country areas.
- Creating civic society and the development of political culture.
Department of Transport
- Analysis of transport investment efficiency in the context of social and economic cohesion of the region.
- Analysis of development trends on the market of goods and passenger transport.
- Audits of logistics and quality system.
- Application of Intelligent Transport Systems.
- Prediction of the emission from the vehicle engines and fuel consumption.
- Selected issues of safety in transport.
Department of Computer Modelling
- The optimization of supply levels.
- Modelling of transport impact on the air quality in cities, both in micro and mesoscale.
- Dynamics of multibody system, including those with flexible elements.
- Application of the rigid finite element method.
- Measurements of traffic flow and traffic noise level.
- Selected issues of machine control.
- Modelling offshore devices.
Department of Management
- Labour market research in the sector of services.
- SWOT analysis in the range of marketing and logistic activities.
- Working out and implementing a quality management system, according to IOS 9001.
Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship
- Creating corporate culture of enterprises, companies and public institutions.
- Studying customer’s satisfaction and loyalty.
- Markets and marketing research.
- Creating and maintaining market research, in the range of providing tourist and recreation service.
- Procedures of human resources management, realized with reference to disabled people.
- Risk management and calculating working costs.
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dean’s office: Building L, 2nd floor
E-mail address: dwhs@ubb.edu.pl
Main fields of study"
- Polish Philology
- Foreign Philology: English Studies, Iberian Studies
- Pedagogy
Departments and main research areas:
Department of Neophilology
English Studies
- Methodology of teaching English as a second (foreign) language.
- Research into linguistic and translation problems.
- Studies of English and American literature.
- Studies into the history and culture of the English language area.
Iberian Studies
- Orality and literacy in ancient and modern cultures.
- Translation, ethics and etiquette in the work of a translator.
- The recent Latin American literature and its reception in the world.
Department of Polish Studies
- History of literature of the 19th and 20th century, contemporary theories of literature researches.
- Hermeneutic interpretation of literary works.
- Theory of literature and culture.
- Feminist criticism and gender studies.
- Methodology of teaching Polish language and literature.
- Contemporary theories of linguistics, research into the functional varieties of Polish, contemporary religious discourse.
- The issue of media communication, communication theory, history and theory of the media, cultural and linguistic mechanisms of advertising, promotion and public relations.
- Methodology of Polish language education.
Department of Pedagogy
- Research into young and preschool child education.
- Communication in didactic processes.
- Didactics, pedeutology, theory of upbringing and education, philosophy of education, enculturation, socialization and anthropology.
Faculty of Health Sciences
Dean’s Office: Building L, 2nd floor
E-mail address: wnoz@ubb.edu.pl
Main fields of study
- Nursing
- Emergency Medicine
- Public Health
Departments and main research areas:
Department of Nursing
- The impact of non-invasive ventilation in the postoperative period on the frequency of reintubation.
- Assessment of postural therapy in patients with respiratory failure in impedance tomography.
- Impedance tomography to evaluate effectiveness of lung recruitment manoeuvres.
- Effectiveness of humidifying the respiratory mixture during high-flow oxygen ventilation.
- Effect of high-flow oxygen therapy on the end expiratory volume of the lungs.
- Assessment of postural drainage in patients monitored with electrical impedance tomography.
- Practical usefulness of single-use bronchoscopy in intensive care.
Department of Emergency Medicine
- Examination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures among students of ATH, employees of the police, fire departments and police departments in Bielsko-Biała.
- Epidemiological and logistical studies of the management of Emergency Medical Teams in fulminant soft tissue infection.
- International European research on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the functioning of emergency medical services in organisational and social aspects, as well as stress levels in particular groups of employees. Surveys among emergency medical services workers in Poland, Czechia, England, Finland, Germany, Norway and Slovakia.
- Epidemiological studies and the establishment of a standard for Emergency Medical Teams in carbon monoxide poisoning.
- Factors which impact the length of hospitalization and death rate of COVID-19 patients based on initial triage using capillary blood gas tests – a single centre study.
Department of Public Health
- The contributors to health exposure due to environmental conditions.
- Lifestyle and nutritional habits in the population of children and adolescents.
- Stress in the work of nurses and paramedics and ways of dealing with the emergencies.
- The scale of stress experienced in the emergencies by the students of humanities and technical studies.
- The research concerning the clinical aspects of nursing care for elder patients with chronic diseases and affliction considered to be civilization disease related to the 21st
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Study of maternal-placental-foetal fatty acid metabolism.
- Examination of supramolecular structures of selected trophoblast and foetal membrane molecules in the course of pregnancy pathology.
- Examination of supramolecular structures of selected skin macromolecules in the course of burn treatment.
- Examination of factors modulating contraction and relaxations of blood vessels using the Schuler tissue bath.
- Investigation of tumour growth and recurrence inhibition mechanisms by ferroptosis induction.